Spears is Not Alone

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As Floridian and Hall of Fame Football coach Lou Holtz has noted recently in the Miami Herald, “Guardianship abuse may more correctly be thought of as guardian, medical and legal abuse, because without unethical, predatory individuals in all of those fields working together, such abuse is impossible to carry out. It takes more than a corrupt guardian to do these terrible things — it takes a corrupt guardian, a corrupt lawyer, a corrupt doctor, often a corrupt nursing home or hospital and, finally, corrupt judges”
THE HILL reported the following recently:

Britney Spears’s cries for help in court have cast a critical light on conservatorships, as the public has become both more aware and more sensitive to mental health struggles. But her explosive claims Wednesday have also reignited a national conversation on freedom, dignity and how much is too much when it comes to legal intervention. Continue Reading →


Guardian Corruption Finances Voter Fraud in the United States

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This article exposes using embezzled funds from senior guardianship accounts as a primary financial tool to commit voter fraud. This is a national problem having several players including the American Bar Association, social workers, cooperative physicians, court systems, and attorneys who make a nice living by financing voter fraud. Continue Reading →


GAO 2016 study on Guardian Abuse

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You may have already heard that the GAO (Governmental Accounting Office) is studying guardianship abuse again.  Their last study was in 2010 (see http://stopguardianabuse.org/gao-reports/) and they have called us wanting cases.

They are looking for guardianship abuse cases which closed from 2011 to present; and they are asking us to gather and submit them.  They want the submissions to come through NASGA, so that’s exactly what we’ll do! Continue Reading →


Private Guardian Removes Money from Senior’s Bank Account

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Private guardian removes money from Florida senior’s bank account without a court order!

Elizabeth Betsy Savitt is a private guardian in Florida. Her advantage over her peers rests in the fact her husband Martin Colin is a family court judge. Savitt has for many years been using her husband’s professional relationships to remove funds from her wards accounts without a court order. Continue Reading →


Guardianship Abuse in the United States

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This blog will tell stories of guardian exploitation. Before I post the powerful link to this story it is important to note that the profession of private guardian is for all purposes an unregulated profession.

Private guardians have less training than the person who files your finger nails, cuts your hair, or even a massage therapist. The guardian has the power of life and death over anyone the court appoints them to so-called protect. Guardians misuse their powers on a daily basis. The result of the lack of training and enforcement of private guardians results in horrible cases of guardian exploitation, fraud and even kidnapping when the act suits the purpose of the private guardian.

Jason Hanson’s only crime was that he was born disabled. Private guardian Jared Shafer decided to take advantage of this situation and use Janson Hanson’s disability as a tool to steal his entire inheritance.
After reading this story, you can join the fight to help Jason. Send emails to your congress person, United States Senator and the attorney general on behalf of this brave young man.
