This article exposes using embezzled funds from senior guardianship accounts as a primary financial tool to commit voter fraud. This is a national problem having several players including the American Bar Association, social workers, cooperative physicians, court systems, and attorneys who make a nice living by financing voter fraud.
The example I’ll use for this article, is based upon numerous documents of obtained evidence from Clark County, Nevada. I will expose how the money flows from law firms, trust accounts and unaccounted for property sales is used to force undocumented citizens to commit voter fraud. I will reveal the story of one undocumented citizen who uses the name Hector, who was recruited by a Clark County official to commit voter fraud. I will explain why Nevada is hiding this corruption.
Nevada makes money by protecting private guardians who have bragged about stealing hundreds of millions from unsuspecting families. Unfortunately, Clark County, along with the state of Nevada, is convicting citizens who never registered as professional guardians. These citizens are being convicted of elder exploitation to hide this corruption. The beneficiaries of this corrupt system are politically connected individuals. The facts will shock you.
I’m a retired Clark County, Nevada clerk who witnessed guardian abuse on a major scale. I observed how stolen funds were used to commit voter fraud in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have personally witnessed the establishment of fraudulent guardianships. Fraudulent guardianships are encouraged by the Clark County court system because the money from guardian confiscated accounts finances voter fraud. Paying people to commit the crime of voter fraud requires large amounts of underground funding. My observations will expose the truth behind private guardian corruption and how the state Attorney General and Las Vegas District Attorney are protecting the true embezzlers.
Due to a serious illness, I’ve decided to share what I know about the private guardian for hire system, which has never been discussed in the news media.
Guardian Fraud Begins With a System That Tolerates Lack of Accounting.
In order to finance an off the books operation, a source of undocumented money is needed. Missing funds in estate accounts controlled by private for hire guardians is the perfect source of capital for a voter fraud campaign. The missing money is either ignored by the court system or passed over as normal procedure by commissioners and judges charged with overseeing these accounts. A former Clark County hearing master said senior citizens losing money was simply a process of growing old. Hearing Master, Jon Norheim, was the Guardianship Commissioner who made this statement. I was in Jon Norheim’s court when this statement was made on November 3, 2006 to a shocked audience of attorneys and families. In countless guardianship cases, embezzled funds were never found. Jon Norheim and his boss, Judge Charles Hoskin, have been banned from hearing adult guardianship cases. Sadly, Commissioner Norheim is being allowed to oversee juvenile guardianship cases. The banning’s occurred because Commissioner Norheim and Judge Hoskin became quite controversial and over exposed as a result of victim family complaints. Please review the links in this article to substantiate this statement. The cause for the system’s tolerance for missing money results because these funds are needed to operate a powerful organization which commits voter fraud. I witnessed undocumented individuals being recruited for this practice.
How the Voter Fraud Organization Operates
Votes can be purchased by local politicians who need to win a close election. One private Nevada guardian actually owns the largest election billboard sign company in Las Vegas. His name will be mentioned later along with substantiating links to back up my statements. The organization will force undocumented citizens to vote for a particular candidate or ballot proposition. If the undocumented citizen refuses, deportation will be the final consequence. Union officials and political Party operatives apply pressure on these undocumented citizens to ensure they vote in the ballot box on Election Day. Several unions and corrupt officials supply the voter fraud organization with a list of undocumented workers living in Las Vegas who are likely candidates for committing voter fraud. The undocumented citizens appear on the RADAR because they committed some crime. These crimes include unpaid parking tickets, driving without a license and driving under the influence. The fact major political parties are opposed to voters providing identification during an election is further proof such a system exists. If voters had to provide identification during the act of voting, it would be difficult for undocumented citizens to commit voter fraud.
One undocumented citizen named Hector was convicted of three counts of driving under the influence. Hector claimed that a deputy DA working in the Las Vegas District Attorney’s office had his record wiped clean because he could get ten other undocumented citizens to vote in the 2016 election for certain candidates and propositions. Hector worked hard to perform this task because three convictions meant permanent loss of his driver’s license. Hector alleges his record was sanitized by the DA’s office. Another interesting fact concerns Clark County’s former public guardian, Jared E. Shafer. Mr. Shafer owned and operated the largest election billboard sign company in Las Vegas, which is known as Signs of Nevada. Mr. Shafer served as public guardian in Clark County from 1979 through 2003. Shafer’s connection with Clark County departments granted this private for hire guardian special access to undocumented citizens who were vulnerable for recruitment for voter fraud. Many Las Vegas and Clark County officials obtained votes along with special sign pricing from Jared Shafer’s company, which is known to locals as Signs of Nevada. In return for legal and political favors cooperative officials received free signage from Mr. Shafer to finance their election campaign. Articles about Shafer’s signs are found online. I will discuss at a later point in this article how the votes of undocumented citizens influenced elections in Nevada.
Court Activity in Voter Fraud
Courts ignored corrupt guardian activity until 2013. Cracks in this voter fraud system first appeared with the arrest and conviction of Patience M. Bristol. I personally worked on this case. Bristol removed over $2 million from the court designated ward accounts she was charged with protecting. The District Attorney charged Bristol with 20 counts of exploitation. The system allowed Ms. Bristol to plead guilty to only one count of elder exploitation. The DA had videos of Patience Bristol pawning stolen jewelry, which the system chose to ignore. Unfortunately, at Bristol’s sentencing, four victims appeared before the court to testify. Bristol was quoted as saying “I didn’t pay enough to the right people.” The voter fraud system resulted in Bristol’s crimes being swept under the carpet. The bulk of the missing money went toward recruiting and controlling the votes of undocumented citizens. The reference links in this article will provide additional details. Major political parties in Nevada received the bulk of senior citizen missing funds, which were used for the voter fraud campaign. These funds went to boost the vote count for local politicians running for office in Clark County, Nevada. I was present when Patience Bristol’s former boss and private guardian, Jared E. Shafer, said, “Bristol knew the right people to pay. She didn’t give enough.”
Another Guardian is punished for Not Paying off the Voter Fraud Machine
April Parks, another charged private guardian, who is awaiting trial for her crimes of embezzlement, racketeering and grand theft, has the record of her indictment online. Some of April Parks’ accounts, which include Rudy North, appear to have a record showing only $1,400 being taken by Parks from North. Mr. North said on public TV that over one million dollars in cash, gold & silver in his home was stolen by April Parks. (
What happened to the missing $998,600? Mr. North’s statements were broadcast on 8 News NOW-KLAS-TV in Las Vegas. The arrest of April Parks may have occurred because she refused to pay off the Las Vegas voter fraud organization.
Kristina Berger, a victim of Jared E. Shafer and Patience Bristol, is going to have a civil lawsuit trial against Shafer, his company and Patience Bristol. The major newspaper in Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Review Journal has the full story of Ms. Berger’s battle. Berger’s civil lawsuit alleging embezzlement of $500,000 has been postponed until November of 2017 due to difficulty in obtaining accounting documents from Jared Shafer’s company, Professional Fiduciary Services of Nevada. Where did the missing money go? Shafer appears to be having trouble hiding the fact that funds went to control voter fraud operations. Shafer is claiming the accounting doesn’t exist. The question of missing accounting is a serious issue, which needs to be answered by the Las Vegas court. We can only ask if the judge in this case will enforce the issue of the missing accounting. Stay tuned for follow up on this story. Jared E. Shafer and Patience Bristol, who served as guardians for Berger, listed her estate with a value of zero so no bond would have to be obtained to serve as guardians. The false listing violated Nevada law. Other guardianship court case records show Shafer also declaring estates to be valued at zero when in fact these estates have contained hundreds or even millions in assets.
Where Is the Missing Money?
During my 25 years working for Clark County I had numerous contacts with Jared E. Shafer. Mr. Shafer was the former Public Guardian and County Administrator. In 1998, approximately four years before Shafer’s retirement, this guardian approached me. Shafer knew I had a cousin running for County Supervisor. Shafer told me I could purchase from him 2,000 undocumented citizen votes, which we could control. In exchange for these undocumented votes my cousin would have to agree to vote a certain way on issues, which Shafer would communicate to me at a later date.
Shafer went on to state that Las Vegas officials were elected through the undocumented voter process. The several unions and political organizations would furnish undocumented voters who worked in the Las Vegas’ service industry. Deportation would be the primary control element to ensure these votes went the way local politicians wanted.
This brings up a powerful question concerning how Nevada officials acted to protect private guardians. Catherine Cortez Masto is Jared E. Shafer’s god daughter who incidentally, ignored all complaints made to her about Mr. Shafer’s exploitation of seniors while serving as Nevada’s Attorney General. We’ve provided links to articles, which were used in the 2016 US senate election for Senator Masto to document this fact. The articles were distributed nationally. Unfortunately they had little effect on the 2016 election. Ms. Masto’s now deceased father, Manny Cortez, was instrumental in placing Shafer in the position of Public Guardian and Administrator. Mr. Cortez was the longtime head of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, served as a Clark County Commissioner and as an attorney for Clark County.
How the Money Flows
Funds from senior accounts are removed by several methods. The guardian over bills for simple services including reading emails. One senior account was billed over $7,000 for reading 20 days of emails. Reviewing the reference link to this statement at the end of this article will be an eye opener. Attorney’s normally over bill senior guardianship accounts; charging for legal services which never were performed. Guardians will allow the condition of a ward’s property to deteriorate into a dilapidated condition so the property will be sold under market value, usually to a close associate of the guardian. The Clark County courts will levy fines against families who protest court rulings usually recommended by the guardian. In one case a $10,000 fine was directed to the Senior Citizens Law Project, an organization no longer in business. The majority of guardianship cases are settled without an accounting. Valuable property usually disappears from the record. The missing property is sold and converted into cash. After arriving at the first destination, the money is funneled to activities involving voter fraud.
Dog and Pony Show Hides Voter Fraud
In the summer of 2015, the Supreme Court of Nevada created the Commission to Study the Administration of Guardianships in Nevada’s Courts to review the processes for creating guardianships and conservatorships, stakeholder accountability, court documentation and tracking, judicial training, and any resources available or needed to assist Nevada’s courts in administering guardianships. The first meeting was held in July of 2015. (
The commission was only created after the system was embarrassed by a three article exposé in the Las Vegas Review Journal in April of 2015 about guardianship abuse: (,
Countless victims testified at the Commission meetings. The guardian who had the most complaints has never been charged. This guardian was Jared E. Shafer, who has bragged openly about stealing millions from the system and controlling the judges. The Nevada Attorney General has charged only one professional guardian, April Parks, as well as several family members for exploiting elderly citizens. With the exception of April Parks, the amounts being prosecuted are very small when compared to amounts professional guardians have removed from senior citizen accounts.
Guardianship Financing Voter Fraud is a National Problem
The problem of using embezzled funds from private for hire senior guardian accounts is a national disgrace. Both political parties are guilty. The American Bar Association enforces this corruption by ensuring attorneys who follow this program enjoy a wonderful lifestyle.
S. J. P.
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