Is Elder abuse by private guardians a major problem?
The answers this question with a resounding yes. In 2015 this web site documented over 2,000 cases of seniors who were abused by private for hire guardians.
New readers will ask the question, if private guardian abuse is such a large problem why hasn’t the news media covered it?
The answer can be boiled down into one word (MONEY). The senior’s money is used to bribe judges and attorneys who will steal from the estate under a color of corrupt laws.
Private guardians are hired to protect seniors and their assets. Many seniors who need a private guardian do not have a family who is able to care for them. This situation leaves the door unlocked for a private guardian to enter that senior’s life. The private guardian has total power over the senior when the court appoints them. Absolute power throughout history corrupts. Current headlines point out the fact that for private guardians the saying holds up very well. is taking the opportunity to commend The Petition for its’ work in exposing the harm caused by private guardians.
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