Guardianship abuse committed by private guardians against senior citizens is destroying families and costing tax payers billions of dollars.  Seniors who played by the rules will grow old.  Sometimes the aging process creates the need for assistance in handling personal affairs. At this time of vulnerability a private guardian is asked to help. Unfortunately for seniors and their families, the private guardian will view the family situation as an opportunity to steal. Seniors and their families have reported that private professional guardians double bill, submit false documents and statements to both state and local courts, isolate seniors from family members and provoke fights between relatives so the guardian can use the conflict as an opportunity to increase their billings against the estate.

Numerous courts have chosen to ignore private guardian complaints. For decade’s law enforcement, police and members of the medical profession rationalize guardian complaints as simply a minor family squabble, which will resolve itself after the passing of the senior family member.  Private guardians make their living off of this misconception by the authorities. When confronted with wrong doing, the guardian will often blame the family, the senior they have been hired to protect or decide to simply not respond to questions. Some courts have actually allowed a guardian to sue family members for asking a private guardian to account to a family for how they handled an estate. In many family courts judges simply won’t follow the law if the regulations are inconvenient for a guardian.

One private guardian, Patience Bristol, who is a resident of Nevada, is now serving three to eight years in state prison for exploiting the elderly and disabled. Bristol filed for bankruptcy in 2005 and her filing didn’t stop her from becoming a private guardian. Ms. Bristol used senior estate funds to gamble in Las Vegas’ many establishments.  Another Nevada guardian is currently under police investigation awaiting indictment.

Courts throughout the United States report they are under staffed and as such are not in a position to enforce the guardianship laws now on the books.

GuardianAbuseCases.Com, through its book, Guardianship Fraud, will expose the countless fraudulent activities of private for hire guardians. This book and blog will report cases of guardian mishandling of family trusts, senior bank accounts and guardian kidnapping of seniors from their private residence. The guardian kidnappings are often ignored by the authorities who will not take a report.

This fight against private guardians can be won by understanding how they operate. Our book contains the information, which will provide concrete examples of the crimes private guardians have actually committed against the people they were assigned to protect. Guardian abuse is a big problem and if this abuse is not dealt with countless seniors will end their life on public assistance that could have provided for their own needs if a guardian wasn’t involved.

By exposing private guardian criminal activities, it is our hope that public awareness and outcry will bring about the needed legislative and attitude changes, which will save countless families from experiencing this misuse of our justice system.  Countless researchers, practitioners, educators, and advocates are dedicated to protecting are seniors who are America’s most vulnerable citizens. You can join the fight by becoming informed.  Our website was established in 2016 to help families who believe they have been abused by a private professional guardian. Our mission is to become a national clearinghouse for reports of private guardian abuse.

Order: Guardianship Fraud – Book Reveals How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money and become one of our senior citizen advocates.

Membership for this website is open to any person over the age of 18 who purchases our book, entitled Guardianship Fraud. After reading the cases in this book we strongly encourage you to add your case to our blog.  Our staff will continue to find and report guardian abuse cases so a national awareness will be created.

Who’s Guarding Against The Guardians? NPR “On Point”

Relevant Quotes

  • A simple slip-and-fall can put someone into the guardianship of unknown persons with no knowledge to family and friends until the deed is done. Forced incompetency; get control over everything and the ward (senior) loses all rights.–Auditor, “Dirty Tricks of Guardianships – The Need for Change,” April 2004

  • There is a web of murderous profiteering, all sanctioned by a corrupt legal system. As guardianship firms take everything they can, state attorneys turn a blind eye. Crooked cops harass family members into silence, while the very attorneys you hired won’t help for fear of losing their licenses.–Kathleen Hein, Journalist

  • You are a target because you have assets. You don’t necessarily have to be very old. You can even be quite lucid. That won’t stop these predators. When it comes to removing your rights and your money, these folks are experts–Money Magazine

  • It’s difficult to believe it happens, but forced guardianship fraud runs unchecked throughout international probate courts. Deemed incapacitated by the courts, elderly citizens are robbed of all decision-making rights and assigned professional guardians whose only interest lies in profiting from their vulnerable charges’ estates.–The Washington Examiner

  • Instead of serving to protect the assets of incapacitated persons, the existing guardianship system presents the opportunity for unscrupulous guardians to loot the assets of their wards and enrich themselves with impunity.–Auditor, “New York Grand Jury

  • These are the people who may one day control your loved one’s health care, living arrangements, finances, and very life. Ostensibly created to prevent financial abuse by caregivers and family members, professional guardianship instead gave the legal system carte blanche to destroy lives.–Dr. Angela Woodhull

  • …usually after the victims are purportedly diagnosed with a disease such as Alzheimer’s (often by a non-expert without medical evidence), then, in spite of protests by family members, the family court has historically and consistently approved the bilking of the hard earned assets of elderly or disabled persons by crooked for-hire guardians under the color of often-ignored Nevada laws.–Steve Miller, former Las Vegas City Councilman

  • Outside of execution, guardianship is the most radical remedy we have.–Elias Cohen, Philadelphia Attorney and Gerontologist



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